At the start of each new year I always say, "This is going to be MY year!" And each year, something pretty amazing does happen, but 2018 has showed out for me in ways I couldn't even imagine (insert praise hands).
I am proud to be a very active member, regional officer, and ambassador for the Network of Executive Women and the support this organization has given to me is unparalleled to any other. I can honestly say that NEW has expanded my network, skyrocketed my career and exposure, and pushed me to stretch my talents beyond my known capabilities. They have given me opportunities beyond my wildest dreams and this year, my hard work was recognized in the form of two AWARDS.
First, in September, my peers in the North Texas Region selected me as the Best of Best Leader for my region. As Director of Communications, I oversee the membership, social media, and PR committees, and I ensure all our regional members and volunteers are aware of our events, updates, news, and ways to get involved. I have been in this role for over a year and half, and it's been an exciting journey to serve the North Texas region.
Second, at the NEW Leadership Summit in Chicago (in front of an audience over 1,200), I was awarded the 2018 Excellence in Innovation Award by NEW HQ. I am the first ever recipient of this award and I was blown away by this honor. NEW writes,
"The NEW Innovation Award was awarded to NEW Ambassador Nicole Wright of Acosta, who also serves as a NEW North Texas director of communications. “Nicole has been an idea incubator and a change agent who has propelled NEW and her region’s presence, especially through social media,” Mary Rivard said while presenting the award."
Mary also called me a "Bad Ass" as she presented me with the award, and who am I to reject that compliment?
Two major awards by one major organization in one year. WOW! I often wondered if people realized how much work I put into my career-- my day job, my side hustle, my networking organization, and everything else I do. It's difficult to balance sometimes, but I am grateful to be able to give my time to pursue my passions. And to the Network of Executive Women-- Thank you for the recognition! I promise to continue being innovative, a change agent, and doing everything I can to share the mission and vision of NEW.